Dear Representative: �1997 till the end� Re: The disabled being denied the VSF is rough pill to swallow...so we fight...you created us and now you live with us! Ex-PBA boss ( Phil Caruso)wins sweet retirement deal! NEW YORK, Aug. 26 ....The former president of the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association reportedly has a $200,000 a year job with a consulting firm that received $20 million in PBA work during the union boss's tenure. The Daily News reports federal investigators uncovered the lucrative deal while investigating whether businesses bribed PBA officials to secure work. Investigators have already charged the lead partners of the firm that hired ex-PBA boss Phil Caruso with bribing officials of the former transit police union. Caruso was hired as a consultant by the Long Island law firm Lysaght, Lysaght and Kramer several months after his retirement in 1995. THIS BUM SHOULD BE JAIL! HE SREWED EVERYONE AND NOW LANDS A BIG JOB ...WHILE WE JUST MEET OUR BILLS. PICKET THE BUMS WHO HIRED THIS TURNCOAT! A little history for the ill-informed: On a day darkened by scandals a "villainous" night watchman gave an insidious speech about his friend the "shadow of death shyster," claiming that the "Bolshevik bomber" didn�t belong to the sticky fingered thieving PBA fraternity. This ayatollah of "meadow muffins," a seemingly benevolent figure, representing the oppressive control over individual retirees lives, exerted by his authoritarian association, went on to say that his "ticket-of-leave man" (the bomber), will make it up to the "association�! The bomber finessed the active and retired into buying a "doctrine of chance" while making his scandalous commission. The sins of that "gambling bomber" mattered not to the PBA's then the "schmucky" president "Philly Boy," who dispatched the union's 300 pixilated goldbricking delegates to persuade cops to buy the junk insurance policies. The commissions on "the boys in blue policies" had gone to the ordure bomber who had dipped into union funds for more than $800,000.00 to cover just a fraction of his losses at the gaming tables in Atlantic City. As it turns out after the speech, there was a thunderous applause from the "ship of fools," to back the President�s "machiavellian degenerate"! This obnoxious larcenist (AKA) "the bomber," continued his "Apollyon ways" and defrauded different unions through skims of their pensions, to inflate his well-lined breast pocket. His "negligible existence" only convinced himself; the "Self proclaimed Street Arab," that his own psychobabble, his "softening of the brain embodiment", would only convince the "meshuggenah gendarmerie" to add to his "oubliette" cache of money! By far, the most questionable payments involved the bomber who was forced to surrender his law license in 1986 for dipping into union es-crow funds to pay gambling debts, yet, a year later, the PBA gave him a $2.3 million contract as a labor consultant, followed by another $2.2 million in commissions as its insurance broker. "The Bomber" knew the "day of ruthless dethronement," was near, so he laid the foundation to ask for clemency from a "an equity draftsman". The "bomber", who felt he was going to be the "sacrificing bull", became a heavy contributor to his political co-conspirators, to push for his own clemency, and restore him to favor. The "bomber" humbly petitioned the prosecuting attorney to be full of the "goodness and mercy", which was accomplished by the bomber�s "offer of inducement"! When "Sir Philip the schlemiel," hired the "prince of darkness" back again, it was a sure thing that "the unrighteous child of hell on earth" would again yield to temptation, "deviate from the paths of virtue," and begin to surreptitiously pillage "OUR" pension fund. This by far, was a stealthy move by Sir Philip, by forgiving and disregarding without "extreme prejudice," or censuring of the offensive corruptible behavior of the "nihilistic bomber"! Philly-Boy wanted & paid for the silence of his friend! The "dwellers of the underworld", were also afraid the "bomber" would have all the fight knocked out of him, and he would flip and give up everybody. With "firmness of purpose" the city and PBA were willing to pay big bucks for the bombers silence! The PBA's legal work is worth $6 million to $10 million a year to the bomber�s friend, the "light-fingered Lysaght and Kramer". Relatives of the PBA upper-echelon are being hired by "light-fingered �indictee� lysaght," which is incontrovertible evidence of a corrupt, rotten to the core relationship. The firm also represents the union and its members in labor negotiation. More than 35 lawyers and a 70-member support staff provide the services. The retiree could use this 10 million, instead of the firm spending the millions negotiating away our pensions and health programs for the active man�s raises! We, the retiree, are paying the mutant incestuous light-fingered law firm for our own demise! The "Candidate for bedlam-the bomber", "Kosmo Kramer" and "light-fingered Lysaght" had similar business deals with the TPBA, and there, federal prosecutors alleged in a racketeering indictment, the three paid $450,000.00 in kickbacks to the union leaders who retained them. In that environment, nearly every dollar that the PBA has paid for legal bills, insurance commissions and labor and pension advice went to "the bomber," "kosmo," and "light finger" or their kindred! They face more than 20 years in the hoosegow on a variety of charges including racketeering and campaign finance fraud because of what the U.S. Attorney called a "sordid" scheme to loot the "unions' pension fund" and kick back inflated legal bills. The "Filthy five" were ordered to surrender their passports and any weapons they owned. But the processing of the 11 indictments have been held to a standstill until the heat dies down. The newspapers and investigators started up the "ladder of importance" and were forced on to "the ladder of delays". The mayor called for more sunshine on the books of the 32,000-member PBA...we agree! When are cops going to take off the blinders? Instead of blast-ing mayor's demand for disclosure, they should embrace it, and maybe catch the heinous obdurates stealing funds from their own pension. The Patrolmen's Predatory Association spends an in-flated amount of money -$217,000 collected dollar by dollar from city cops - to produce its plastic PBA courtesy cards . The trail of the card-making money gets MURKY after it enters union coffers. PBA officials provided the NEWS with conflicting accounts of how the money is spent and declined to provide records to document their expenses. One sleazy union official, whose company produces the cards, exclaims he doesn�t make a penny on the deal. And bears don�t have the trots in the woods! The VSF program is a "revulsion of humanitarianism", and has caused deliberate malice amongst the brotherhood! Look, 16 BILLION dollars is way too much money to be sitting around collecting interest while the scandalous pettifoggers are eyeing the principle of the 16 billion, the hundreds of millions in interest, and the millions in commissions! This money should be feeding our families and sending our children to college, providing us with maximum health insurance coverage, while we live a homogeneous lifestyle. Just think of the magnitude of that money ! We could buy out GM; pay the bills for Hurricane Andrew; the floods of the Red river; buy almost every major company on the stock exchange and still have billions left over. The Stock exchange is impregnated with the computer criminal with a marked propinquity to the mob! They are wheeling and dealing our sinews of war and pocketing tons of our fiat money whether the market goes up or down. So, do you think this vermin of the "underworld�s exuviae," are going to give up our humongous accounts without some comeuppance, retribution, or the bifurcation of some one�s legs! The show 20/20 did a feature on the mob in the stock exchange and it proves the theory of the mob�s control of our pension money! The PBA stepped into the wrong arena and made an unholy alliance with the principle�s of evil, the cloven hoof of SATAN, and they can�t shake the fiendish monkey off their back! You�ll see later on that our miasmal patriarchs of the PBA are also breaking bread with these villains of perdition! The "bombers" role as the PBA's legal counsel expanded under Sir Philip, the union�s "cause c�l�bre," and the two men grew close. In 1980, the "agent provocateur," dropped off a gift in Philly�s driveway: a new Jeep wrapped in a huge bow - a present that this "sorcerer's apprentice" was questioned about years later in a grand jury investigation. The bombers legal fees from the union grew! In the late 1980�s, "the bomber" turned his energy and insatiable appetite to gambling and spent time at the track with the likes of "Jerry �on the arm� Cirella," the son of mob boss Tony Ducks ! And "the bombers" waging in Atlantic City were so wild it earned him the moniker the "Bomber" from the mob, along with 2.5 million in "theory of probability" debts. Another top PBA official is under investigation for alleged ties to mobsters, including a reputed capo of a major crime family. The Internal Affairs Bureau, is probing Jim "deep pockets" Higgs, the Patrolmen's Predatory Association's paper pushing secretary and a member of its executive board! Secretary "Deep pockets Higgs" was seen meeting with reputed capo "Allie the Shades" at Pastels nightclub in Brooklyn as far back as 1990 and 1991! Secretary Higgs, was spotted with "Allie the Shades" late last year and was also seen with another reputed mobster "Johnny Gaggs"! All the programs promised us for our retirement years are now disappearing, hopes fading away; memories of the retiree and his family are vanishing slowly but surely. The city and the unions are dealing our families future away for the sake of the active. The active will one day retire and shall reap what they sow today for their future and that is nothingness. In the 60�s, 70�s,80�s we won contract benefits and raises on "our" productivity. The city was burning and was torn apart by crime and riots. Now the active get their raises on retiree�s moneys. We, the retiree, the "Methuselah�s Of The Labors Of Hercules" (the job), are rattling our sabers, clenching our fist, breathing revenge, and giving fair warning of the day of reckoning, because the retirees had their full of being screwed ! We the retiree made the "job" what it is today, we laid the ground work, while the "New Centurion" reaps the benefits of our excruciatingly hard bargaining. We bare the fangs when it comes to the noxious stench of corruption and are demanding a full investigation of the "associations" by the DA�s office! These worms were NEVER our brothers! They are worse than the repulsive vicious skells, that roam the "barbarian arterial streets of nether world," of the once great city of New York, looking for the easy prey! The flight of millions of "pigment deficiency" taxpayers to the suburbs was conspicuously sequestered and the city neared bankruptcy and total decay! The "barbarous Ghettoization" of New York began, and that is another reason why our 16 billion dollars looks so good to the radical, liberal, socialist Democrats, so they can ameliorate the "penurious lower orders of the city"! These socialist offspring�s of adultery could care less about the retirees plight, because they hated the conservative cops and firemen anyway. These illegitimate "born on the wrong side of the blanket" barristers, the children of a Spurious �Woodstock� Free Function of Love, have ruined our birth right city with their dauntless squandering of the tax payers money on social ills, urban renewal and hush money for all the under-the-table contracts. The "Pygmy Keepers of the Purse" (trustees) riffled through our pensions in an unauthorized, unsanctioned relentless way, taking "our" pension money without the retirees "sine qua non terms of agreement" ! Skimming royalties and circumventing the "Federal pension laws", that protect the retiree, by changing the praenomen of the skim money; so they could find legal or technical flaws in the pension law; usurp our money and pocket the substantial resources for their own "elegant sufficiency" without having the monarchical federal government breathing down their back! We are treated like biodegradable organic compost! We want our stock split money! We want our gilt-edged security! I am telling you right now, we�ll get it, over your "memento mori"! You can count on our "fixity of purpose," and your ruination and solitary confinement lies on the periphery! The PBA & UFA should have been sympathetic, when dealing with the retirees, but they didn�t, which only shows their ignorance, and now their lives and future hang by a thread. How does the "Rajah�s of Robbery and Racketeering," the pathological liars, (the PBA) explain the "taxi cab caper to the capital", that altered the contract for the disabled in 1968 and forever more! We brought to one's notice all the "envelopes of VSF fraudulence, certain knowledge and ironclad proof" by brothers who had no ax-to-grind with the PBA, and proving the PBA�s peccability! Why have we been given the thumbs down by the court�s corruptible disposal machine? The courts are a "selling justice system", which number among the PBA�s possessions along with judges, legislators, the mob and councilmen! We must take "Draconian measures" and meet the PBA & UFA on the battlefield, and demand like a "bird of ill omen", all that is ours! We must test the waters in the state legislature, to see if "influence peddling" has reached the "Political Burke's Peerage" of the state�s constitution-making plebiscitum! Let�s with a jaundice eye, look at the politicians that once helped us sponsor the Inquiry bill, and ask: "how do you feel today about sponsoring the same bill ? I know the "Maltese Serpent" flipped; same goes for Sen."Bruno Samartino"; and "Lizzie �the Con� Connelly" hates us; "Joe the Crow"(D-Queens) is backing a bill that was pushed in a seductive, tantalizing way by the necromantic DEA, PBA and UFA ,which is not going to benefit the disabled retiree! The Maltese Serpent is backing the senate�s vision of the house bill, sponsored by "Joe the Crow," for the PBA, UFA and DEA! The Crow , the Racing and Wagering Committee Chairman, is charging $200 for an Omni Hotel reception for his campaign, and invited horse racing lobbyists and supplicant petitioners. The Crow said: their bequeathal would not buy his vote. HA! And the Sun won�t rise, the field mouse won�t fart, and the donkey won�t dump! Jeff the Dimwit (D-Bronx), who will squeeze lobbyists for $150 apiece at the Omni, said he will refuse certain donations,�I don't want tobacco money," Dimwit said. "I don't want landlord money." But he invited Shulkpepper, who lobbies for the RJ Reynolds tobacco company and the Real Estate Board of New York, which represents many of New York City's most powerful ghetto and barrio landlords! The 10-13 authoritarian, have lost their sense of "intelligent anticipation" of the "embarrassment of riches" while we and our wives suffer needlessly. Let these 10-13 "cupholders of cud" rationalize and explain away their exiguousness existence! Let the 10-13 mosstroopers give a good account of themselves; and then you ask: what have they done for the retiree in the last 15 years ? Instead of you listening to their pontificating puke they disembogue at the proconsulate�s meetings! Ask them why there has been a constant dissolution of health programs; the destruction�s of your pensions; while the bomber and the schlemiel take our money to the their bank. The 10-13 dim-witted-mentally handicapped hierarchy spends our 10-13 dues money, "as their retirement supplement", to travel, wine and dine their friends and the misbegotten political lickspittle! We demand that the 10-13 lightweight schleps, stop asking PBA leaders to speak at the retiree conventions; stop brown-nosing the PBA slime; stop trying to be known as some one, that you can�t become; and go after your true enemy the PBA and the New York Legislature! I received a letter from Lou "the mutt" Matarotts, the new PBA "lackey slave of the lamp", and how he tries to explain away the misplacement of our dues, pensions and cities monies! Lou "the mutt" Matarotts goes on to say: "legal services benefits such as coverage for wills, adoptions, house closings, house purchases and tenant/landlord disputes are provided by your union at no cost to you". Hey, "mutt", we all live in homes far away from the ill�s of socialism, there are no ghetto landlords in the real world, only in the slums of the city of New York and other socialists cities! Can you believe the following statement made by "the Mutt"; "many ailments which once required surgery are now being treated with prescription drugs. There is simply no end in sight. Additionally, new drugs are constantly being approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), resulting in higher costs to the Fund. In the last fifteen (15) months alone, nineteen (19) medications were released for dispensing purposes." This bum would rather see us to go under the knife instead of taking a pill! The variable supplement committee led by Pete Castellano has been frustrated at every turn by the PBA owning the State Senate! I have served as the Albany representative (lobbyist) for this group and know first hand just what it takes to get heard in Albany, MONEY, VOTES with out them there is no justice. The system is corrupt to the core. I have tried to get the 10-13 clubs all over the country to support the Cap. Dist. 10-13 as a lobbing group. But ego's prevent this from happening. Any changes to benefit retirees MUST come from ALBANY not Florida or Arizona etc. some of the smallest PD in the state or the country have retiree reps on the PBA boards, and I can tell you that these small PD have contracts we can only dream of, we are chumps. I would like to be on your mailing list and will incur any cost there-off. Please keep me apprised. Yours truly, J.D.M. Now, MARY JO WHITE, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that five defendants were charged today in Manhattan federal court in two indictments growing out of the ongoing investigation of racketeering, corruption, and campaign finance fraud within the New York City Transit Police Benevolent Association ("TPBA"). She announced at the same time that six other defendants had pled guilty to federal felony charges arising out of the investigation. The investigation is being conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation! The Indictment charges all four defendants with racketeering, bribery and conspiracy to defraud the Internal Revenue service in connection with the receipt and payment of over $300,000 in secret cash kickback payments to officers of the TPBA and $2 million in revenues to Lysaght, Lysaght & Kramer between 1992 and 1994. According to the Indictment, in order to receive kickbacks, the defendant TPBA officers paid Lysaght, Lysaght and Kramer inflated fees and retainers from TPBA benefit and trust funds under the defendants I control. We are growing faster then ever and intend to use our numbers to expose those who had anything to do with the �disabled� being denied the VSF!!! We are going to ask for jail time because of the misery the disabled; pre-68ers; ordinary disabled; vested man who went through years of discrimination! �THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE BELL� Basic Salary �AT ENTRY AFTER FIVE YEARS Suffolk County $42,404 $66,203 Nassau County $35,117 $56,866 New York City $27,838 $45,593 Total Compensation �AT ENTRY MAXIMUM Suffolk County $54,844 $84,507 Nassau County $45,679 $77,502 New York City $43,844 $76,100 7/1/97 ITEM END OF OLD CONTRACT END OF NEW CONTRACT Base Salary $43,593 $49,023 Longevity $4,000 $ 5,245 Holiday Pay $2,000 $2,287 Night Differential $3,587 $4,034 Uniform Allowance $1,000 $1,000 Annuity Fund $522 $522 Totals $54,708 $62,111 TO THE INTERNAL AFFAIRS DIVISION This a complaint against Phil caruso, Richard Hartman, the mob, and all those involved in the taxi-cab ride where the trustees �illegally� altered the 1968 contract trying to exclude the disabled, vested, pre-68ers, ordinary disabled...these guys once were your brothers...fine way to be treated...do your job and lock them all up...starting with the names below!� LOU MATARAZZO President JAMES SAVAGE First Vice President RICHARD O'NEILLSecond Vice President Ronald M. DEVITO Treasurer JAMES HIGGINS Recording Secretary Trustees LEONARD P. WEBER Financial Secretary - Lower Manhattan and Richmond ANTHONY C. KELLER Financial Secretary - Queens South DANIEL TIRELLI Financial Secretary - Queens North BILL GAMBLE Financial Secretary - Manhattan North BRUCE ROBERTSON Financial Secretary - Manhattan South JOHN P. YOUNG Financial Secretary - Bronx PATRICK O'SULLIVAN Financial Secretary - Brooklyn South JOHN NOLAN Financial Secretary - Brooklyn North RICHARD KLEIN Trustee - Brooklyn North GEORGE STRYPE Trustee - Lower Manhattan and Richmond FRANK TOSCANO Trustee - Manhattan South EDWARD MAHONEY Trustee - Manhattan North GEORGE S. REYNOLDS Trustee - Queens South PATRICK BURKE Trustee - Queens North HANK SULLIVAN Trustee - Bronx MICHAEL IMMITT Trustee - Brooklyn South WILLIAM GENET City-Wide Trustee MUBARAK ABDUL-JABBAR Transit Coordinator TIMOTHY L. NICKELS Housing Coordinator Don�t forget the �BUM� Dave Hickey health and welfare...he is the retirees worst nightmare! �The Brotherhood of the Bell� Keep these phone number handy Name Phone Number BlueChoice (Empire Blue Cross/Blue Shield) 1 212 476-7666, or 1 800 767-8672 CIGNA Healthcare - New York 1 800 345-9458 Empire Blue Cross/Blue Shield 1 212 476-7888, Outside New York State - 1 800 433-9592 GHI Behavioral Management Program (BMP) 1 800-NYC-CITY (1 800 692-2489) GHI General1 212 501-4GHI (1 212 501-4444) GHI Managed Care 1 212 615-4662, Outside New York State - 1 800 233-9870 GHI Physician Referrals 1 212 787-9393 HealthLine 1 800 521-9574 HIP (HMO and Choice Plus) 1 800 HIP-TALK (1 800 447-8255) General Information 1 800 HIP-HELP (1 800 447-8255) EmergenciesHIP Interplan 1 800 233-0654 Lysaght, Lysaght, and Kramer (crooks) 1 718 962-1700, or1 516 358-1700 MAP (Members Assistance Program) 1 888 COPS-COP (1 888 267-7267) Metropolitan Life Insurance 1 800 634-5007 NYC Employee Benefits Program (40 Rector St.) 1- 212 306-7300 - Monday through Thursday 10AM to 4PM NYC Medical Spending Conversion (MSC) & DeCap 1 212 306-7760 NYPD Health Insurance Section, (280 Broadway) 1 212 374-7654 NYPD Sick Desk 1 718 760-7600 - 24 hour operation PBA Funds Office (watch you step) 1 212 349-7560 PBA Office 1 212 233-5531 Physicians Health Services (PHS) 1 800 441-5741 Sanus/New York Life 1 800 4NY-SANUS (1 800 469-7268) US Healthcare 1 800 445-USHC (1 800 455-8742) Vytra Healthcare 1 516 694-4000, or1 800 406-0806 Wellcare of New York 1 800 634-5007, or 1 212 779-3900, or 1 914 566-0700 � | ||
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